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Can Your Lungs Be Cleaned?

The thought of clearing your lungs and starting over can be highly appealing if you've spent years breathing in cigarette smoke, smog, viruses, and other poisons.

Keep Your Lungs Safe

The best thing you can do to "detox" from years of cigarette smoking is to preserve your lungs from any more harm. Here are some tested methods to keep your lungs as clear as possible:

Don't smoke around someone. While giving up smoking is the most beneficial thing you can do for your lungs, it's also very important to avoid breathing in other people's smoke because it contains hundreds of dangerous toxins.

Avoid using vaping. Researchers have begun to identify some short-term hazards for e-cigarettes, however doctors are still learning about the long-term ones. According to a recent study, vaping reduces your lungs' ability to expel mucus, which might cause infections. "Only pure, clean air and prescribed drugs should be inhaled into the lungs.

Utilize steam therapy sparingly. Although one very small study suggested that breathing in heated steam may reduce anxiety in persons with COPD, the study found no effect on lung function and was too small to be certain of the results regarding anxiety. "Steam doesn't improve lung function, although it may be useful for clearing mucus from your upper airways, such as your nose and throat, during a respiratory infection.

To avoid infection. By getting vaccinated against the flu and pneumonia, washing your hands frequently, and avoiding contact with people who are congested or suffering from other illnesses, you can prevent further damage to your lungs.

Steer clear of pollution,inside and outside. The American Lung Association advises having radon, a harmful chemical that can result in lung cancer, checked in your house. (The EPA website has information about testing.) Additionally, use cleaning solutions that are free of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), odours, and allergens, and establish a routine of routinely vacuuming your home with a HEPA filter. Englert advises keeping an eye on your local air quality and staying indoors on days with bad air quality if you have a persistent respiratory illness. To receive notifications when pollution levels from a fire, industry, or other sources are dangerously high in your neighbourhood, visit or download a free copy of the Air Quality Index app.

Australia-made PEPE is a lung physiotherapy PEPE Health gadget that is reasonably priced, efficient, and all-natural. The PEPE gadget is a portable respiratory device for clearing mucus that helps you discharge phlegm and mucus build-up from your airways. For patients with respiratory problems that cause mucus to produce, the Lung Exercise PEPE uses oscillating positive expiratory pressure, or PEPE Therapy. The PEPE Breathing Device is a pipe-shaped device with a stainless steel ball lying inside a circular cone at one end, a protective perforated plastic cover at the other end, and a hard plastic mouthpiece at one end.

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